Chiara Italian Courses- Chiara’s Experiences

Chiara’s Tuscany is a Love Affair with Tuscany & the Italian Language

Check my new web site for details and information about all my options for you to learn LA  BELLA LINGUA.

We offer language services and promote a NEW way to learn Italian and discover Tuscany.  This is NOT a SCHOOL , this is EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING.

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We can help you discover Tuscany while learning or improving the language through

  • e-learning ( see ALL options here)
  • self-study ( see here)
  • language retreats or  full immersion weekends  ( info here)
  • single experiences that you can add to your Italian lessons  ( ALL the choices here)

New: E-learning programs dedicated to francophones ( all info here)


We also offer Translation Services ( English- Italian & French -Italian)