Une histoire de parfums & d’amitié

Anastasia  & Chiara: une histoire de parfums & d’amitié: C’est une belle histoire qui commence il y a longtemps, entre Sienne & Florence, sur les douces collines toscanes. Une histoire qui naît d’une passion commune pour l’herboristerie, l’aromathérapie, les produits biologiques et pour l’amour de cette terre. Une histoire qui débute par une rencontre qui peut…

Herbarium : Italian language, Olfactory Memory & Ancient Perfums

Herbarium : Italian language, Olfactory Memory & Ancient Perfums – The aim of the new activity is to bring ancient knowledge back to life and share Etruscan womens’cultural heritage while learning  Italian. We still don’t know a lot about the Etruscan population who lived in Tuscany centuries ago. Even less we know about the Etruscan…

(EN) Etruscans & the Worship of Beauty

(EN) Etruscans & the Worship of Beauty It seems that Etruscan women were “bellissime da vedere”: very beautiful to look at, as celebrated by Greek and Roman authors who also severely judged them for being too free and extremely emancipated for their times. They also were highly knowledgeable in the field of herbal medicine and cosmetology….

Etruschi e Culto del Bello

 Etruschi e Culto del Bello Sembra che le donne etrusche fossero “bellissime da vedere”, come scrivono molti autori greci e romani che , allo stesso tempo, le giudicavano severamente  per essere troppo libere ed emancipate per quei tempi. Mentre nelle culture greche e romane le donne avevano un ruolo quasi invisibile nella società, le Etrusche…